Supporting cutting edge research
At HouseTest we collaborate with universities and research organizations to participate in non-profit research programmes into indoor air quality.
HouseTests’s goals are:
To generate knowledge about the connection between indoor air quality and the health of inhabitants
To enable the development of solutions that promote a healthy indoor climate.
To further develop the technology behind HouseTest’s DNA analysis and to provide ever more precise assessment and professional advice about indoor air quality.
Descriptions of some of our research projects can be found below
Indoor mould testing and benchmarking
HouseTest are working with researchers from University College London on a large-scale project benchmarking mould levels in UK buildings.
Monitoring the Indoor Climate in UK Dwellings
HouseTest have worked with The Property Care Association to monitor indoor air quality in homes across the UK by measuring humidity, temperature as well as mould levels using HouseTest’s DNA analysis.
Dampness, Moulds and Respiratory Disorders
HouseTest and researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark have been investigating the connection between dampness and mould in homes where the inhabitants suffer from asthma and respiratory disorders..
Microparticles from Mould
As well as emitting spores, moulds can also emit a very high number of microparticles, which are much smaller than spores and can penetrate deeply into the lungs.
HouseTest worked with the National Research Centre for The Working Environment to analyse the DNA content of microparticles to see which species can be detected.